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Saturday, May 19, 2012

overheard conversations | edmonton newborn photographer

Lily: let's pretend I'm a princess and you marry me. Henry: no, no, no. let's pretend I'm a spy. Lily: yeah, and then you marry me. Henry: yeah....at the end.

I love when they find something in common to play :o)

Here is sweet Ayda and her wonderful parents.  9 days fresh.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Today we celebrated Mother's Day.  I got to stay in bed with my computer until I was brought coffee, toast with avocado and my wonderful handmade gifts.  My husband slaved in the kitchen all day to provide my Mom and I with a wonderful meal of ribs, double baked potatoes and grilled vegetables (and an ice cream cake that I've been coveting for a few days).  I forced asked my children to sit with my Mom for some photos, because we never seem to remember to take the camera out when we're just visiting.  We topped our day off by going to our WHL team's final game of the year, in which they actually WON!!!

Hope you had a happy day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

face camera | stony plain family photographer

This week I was working on Jack's French Dictée with him, and being a short week we needed to get it memorized within 2 days.  Frustrated that I was asking him to re-write it again, he says "I don't know why we have to learn this stuff anyways!!!!".  I said "Well, what's going to happen when you're an adult and you don't know the spelling of something when you're writing a note to someone?".  He said "I'll just use Face Camera".  Me = stunned.

Here's a lovely family I met a few weeks ago.