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Monday, July 30, 2012

travelling with kids...|sherwood park family photographer

Oh the joys of travelling with kids.  Kidding, mostly....our stress usually results from the EXTREME need to go to the washroom....and having to find a place to pull over safely (if we have our trailer) or find the nearest roadside biffy.

This weekend we travelled to Jasper....one of my favourite places to go.

On the way home:

Hank: Are we still in Jasper?  Me: No, why?  Hank: Oh...I need to go pee in one of those outhouses!!

Lily: I have to go pee so badly! (while Henry was occupying our trailer's bathroom on the side of the road)  Me: Do you want to pee on the side of the road?  Lily: No!  Me (thinking about how I phrased that): How about in the grass?  Lily: Yes.  I don't want to pee on the road, because if someone drives in it, they'll slip!

:o) sorry for all the potty talk....that's what we get around here!

Here's all the ladies...Mom's, Grandma, Auntie's, Cousins.
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